What are Children’s Day​s?

As part of their training at the Collège d’études ostéopathiques de Montréal, de Québec and at the CCO in Toronto, each osteopathic student has the opportunity to see pediatric patients at the Journées de l’Enfant or Children’s Days. During these days, children between the ages of 0 and 10 are seen in consultation by a graduating osteopathic student, accompanied by a clinical supervisor who is also a teacher at the College, experienced with pediatric patients.

The Journées de l’Enfant in Montréal are held under the direction of Ms. Denyse Dufresne, osteopath and president of the Foundation.

“Children’s Days” were inaugurated in Toronto in 2003 under the responsibility of another osteopath, Ms. Tema Stein. They continue to offer quality osteopathic care to young children.

At the same time, under the responsibility of Ms. Tema Stein, the « Childrens Days » was inaugurated in Toronto. Since 2003, these days offer quality osteopathic care to young children. Since September 2021, Samara Stein has assumed the role of director for the Toronto Children’s Days.

In Quebec City, les Journées de l’Enfant are organized every year under the responsibility of osteopath, Ms. Rachelle Audet, to allow students to acquire initial clinical experience in pediatrics, and this since 2001.

How the Children’s Days are organized

The consultation lasts one hour. During the first meeting, a complete history is discussed with the parent that includes the history of the pregnancy, delivery, overall health, lifestyle and development. The necessary time is taken to get to know the individual child’s situation.​
The general observation begins with a posture analysis followed by a more specific examination of your child’s movements and sensory-motor development. Finally, a precise osteopathic palpation allows us to identify one or more areas that could be addressed to help the child’s situation.​

The consultation is done as a team. Students and teachers will work together to improve the posture, mobility and optimize the health of the child. ​
Osteopathic consultations are at a reduced cost and a donation receipt will be issued for all consultations at the end of the fiscal year. ​

To make an appointment for the Children’s Days, you can contact the following three training sites directly:​

The outpatient clinic of the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal : 514-284-3001 ext. 227​

The outpatient clinic of the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Québec : 418-831-2992 ext. 102​

The Footprint Therapy Clinic in Toronto: 416-444-2125

Testimonials of the Children’s Days

I am the mother of a beautiful girl born differently and with many complications. By instinct I turned to osteopathy and by chance, I was told about the Journée de l’Enfant at the Collège d’études ostéopathiques de Montréal. I am very grateful for that! 

We felt accompanied at every session. Professional hands and people who listen to what is going on and where my child feels comfortable. Everything is gentle! Slowly my daughter digests better, less reflux, a little less secretion, her functional disorders are gently relieved. She suffers less! …and I sleep better!  

Osteopathy has helped us a lot to go through difficult stages. It is a wonderful complement to all our medical follow-ups. My daughter is now a teenager and despite her disabilities she feels better and above all she is a child who is happy in her body and who loves life!

I am so grateful for the Montreal College of Osteopathic Studies’ Children’s Day.   

We are lucky that it exists!

Thanks again!

The mother of a young teenager

Alexandre was followed by Denyse Dufresne, as part of the Child’s Day program, following a concussion. He was 8 years old. He was impressed by the osteopathic students who worked with kindness and dedication. After the consultation he said to me « mom, I am 85% better ». I will remember that phrase for the rest of my life!

Mom of a boy who is now 16

Pediatric osteopathy service with a very professional and dedicated team. My 4 year old boy loves going to his appointments. With his dwarfism condition, he has a lot of health follow-ups with various providers which makes him often wary. Fortunately, the Journées de l’enfant team has made it easy for him to feel confident and make the treatment a game. It’s very reassuring as a parent to see the great benefits after each meeting with better mobility, digestion and sleep.

The mother of a four year old boy

I have seen impressive benefits with my grandson for the past 3 years who is followed during the FCERO Child Days, he is calmer, more centered.​
Thank you team!

The grandmother of a boy five years old

It’s a blessing to have access to osteopaths who specialize in treating young children (and to help train others!). Little ones sometimes come into the world with tension that it’s nice to be able to release when they are still young. I had my doubts that the session would go well given the number of people in the room and the number of hands on my daughter’s body (she doesn’t let anyone into her bubble easily!). But the teacher, who has extensive experience with little ones, is very good at guiding her students on how to connect with and approach young children. So much so that my one and a half year old daughter was playing with toys without much concern for the two (or three!) pairs of hands that were treating her!

The mom of an 18 month old girl

I met you when I was born, right out of the hospital. You took us under your wing and gave us hope. Despite a diagnosis of spina bifida and the skepticism of the doctors, I managed to walk, dance, bike, swim, skate and ride horses.

Thanks to the wonderful osteopathic care I received during the Children’s Days, I was able to realize my potential.
Thank you, Denyse (my osteopath)!