Tribute to Evelyne Soyez

Ms. Evelyne Soyez-Papiernik died last March 15 2023.
In the tribute paid by Michel Gedda, director of the IFMK of Berck-sur-Mer and colleague, he mentioned that Évelyne was a great professional who enabled several advances in the rehabilitation treatment of children with neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly autism . He also emphasized that she was involved with the Romanian community, contributing in improving medical care for Romanian children, in particular with the SERA Romania Foundation. This has led to the improvement of thousands of Romanian children in need.
The Fondation Canadienne pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche en Ostéopathie would in turn like to recognize the invaluable part that Evelyne played in sharing her knowledge in relations with Dr. Amiel Tison’s neurological evaluations, for her research experiences with INSERN, her expertise in early detection and treatment of neurological damage in toddlers.
Osteopaths from Quebec and Canada have benefited from her expertise and teachings on several occasions and have been able to consult her numerous publications including « Understanding the rehabilitation of developmental anomalies » (2005) and « Neuropaediatrics and osteopathy of the newborn and the young child » (2014).
Evelyne was a long-time friend of Mr. Philippe Druelle, president and founder of the Collège d’études ostéopathiques (CEO) of Montreal, where the Children’s Days took place; in addition, she was an unparalleled collaborator with the college’s teachers in pediatrics.
For her teachings, her knowledge sharing and her contribution to the vast and wonderful paediatric osteopaths’ community, we thank her greatly.